Web Rumors — Cold Witches' Cave

‘Cold Witches’ Cave,’ the next single on the upcoming Web Rumors record, Travelling Circuits, is out now.

Many of the songs on the record are covers of English folk song, but on ‘Cold Witches’…’ Em writes original melody and lyric, working within this folk-meets-80s-electronic style.

Travelling Circuits will release in full via Group Therapy Records on September 1st. Get it over at Bandcamp.

Production and mixing by Em Burrows
Mastered by Dan @ENCODERSound

Peter Panspermia — Bestie_V1.1_

Peter Panspermia releases the very laid back ‘Bestie_V1.1’ out now on Lunch Records.

This new track strips away much of the complexity of the ever-changing timbre of debut record CHAIMMAILDREAMS. Instead, simply a guitar, synthesiser and drum sample, awash with reverb. With the vocal placed way back in the mix resonating with the laid back delivery.

Produced and mixed by Peter Panspermia
Mastered by Dan @ENCODERSound

Web Rumors — Blithe Echo

‘Blithe Echo,’ the next single on the upcoming Web Rumors record, Travelling Circuits, is out now.

Emerging from a New Forest residency in England, Em Burrows presents a fascinating combination of folk song and early 80s production. On ‘Blithe Echo’ the tempo sits just right, and the timbral change into the chorus is a real feature.

‘Blithe Echo’ is in the RTRFm Sound Selection for the week starting 17 June, 2024.

Travelling Circuits will release in full via Group Therapy Records on September 1st. Get it over at Bandcamp.

Production and mixing by Em Burrows
Mastered by Dan @ENCODERSound

Nathan Staggers — A Conversation Between Lover

Nathan Staggers new single ‘A Conversation Between Lovers’ is out everywhere today. As with the previous ‘The Arsonist,’ Nathan’s vocal sits intimately in front of the listener, but this time amongst live strings, roomy percussion, and at points a clarinet. The band moves the music through shades light to dark in concert with the lyrics. Really great, organic ensemble playing on this track.

Recorded and mixed by Ezekiel Padmanabham
Mastered by Dan O'Connor at ENCODER Sound.

Jacobus Capone — Forewarning

Jacobus Capone’s next instantiation of the Forewarning video work was installed at the Art Gallery of South Australia for the Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art earlier this year. Forewarning consisted of two large screens and 4-channel surround audio. It was great to be involved in audio component of this work, spreading the audio into the 4-channel and master a 4-channel, and 2-channel version. Gina Farley writes of Forewarning:

Jacobus Capone’s facing, two-screen video installation adds a much needed element of scale to this exhibition; its haunting soundtrack seemingly saturates the visitor with a menacing reminder of our climate emergency. (Gina Farley, Arts Hub, 2024)

Jacobus Capone (2024) Forewarning at the Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art. Photo by Saul Steed.

Photo by Saul Steed.

Photo by Saul Steed.